Notice for 2024 freshmen(Degree Students )
Dear new International Students,
Welcome to Northwetern Polytechnical University!
Here is important information of registeration.
线上注册Online registration
Online registration is the prerequisite for enrollment. All new students should register on time and submit the required information and documents.
Online registration deadline: Aug 15th,2024.
Online registration website:

现场报到Onsite registeration
All new students should ensure that their online registration is completed before registering on site.
Registration Date :Aug. 26th to 30th 2024
registration location:Hall 2, the Building of Alumni Association (Next to the Yizi Building) Youyi Campus.

NPU will provide airport pick up service for 2024 new students on August 26th and 27th from 9:00 AM to 17:00 PM Beijing time. Please upload your flight information on the online application system before August 19th.. Details will be announced one week before the registration.
五、所需材料Required materials:
1.护照原件Original passport
2.录取通知书打印文件 The printed Admission Notice
3.外国留学人员来华确认表(JW表)Confirmation form for study in China (JW form)
4.学位证,毕业证及成绩单原件 The ORIGINAL copy of your degree and graduation certificate, and transcripts
(若前一阶段学位证文件为非英文,需提供公正的英文翻译件材料。本科项目学生请携带高中毕业证书;硕士项目学生请携带本科文件;博士项目学生请携带本科及硕士文件。Notarized English translations for previous degree certificate is required if it is in other languages. Bachelor program students need to prepare high school documents; Master program students need to prepare Bachelor study documents; PhD program students need to prepare both Bachelor and Master study documents.)
5.语言成绩证书原件 The Original copy of your English proficiency certificate
6.体检报告(本年内带X光片及血液检测报告)Medical Examination Report (within 6 months with X-ray film and blood test report)
7.照片(白底2寸)A 2-inch photo ( White Background)
六、报到流程Registration Procedure:
第一步 信息核验 ——STEP 1 Information Confirmation
第二步 材料收集—— STEP 2 Documents Collection
第三步 证件办理—— STEP 3 Application for Student ID Card
第四步 卡片办理—— STEP 4 Handling Sim Card & Bank Card
第五步 学费缴纳——STEP 5 Payment
第六步 宿舍入住—— STEP 6 Dormitory Check In
第七步 临住登记——STEP 7 Temporary Accommodation Registration
第八步 学院报到—— STEP 8 School Enrollment
第九步 学生体检—— STEP 9 Physical Examination
第十步 签证办理——STEP 10 Application for VISA
Non-full scholarship students (Second prize/ Third prize/ Self-funded) are required to bring enough cash or deposit enough amount of money in their bank card to cover accommodation and tuition fees.
项目 Programs | 费用 Fee |
本科学费 (Bachelor program Tuition fee) | 中文授课(Chinese Medium):20000人民币/年 20000RMB/Year 英文授课(English Medium):22000人民币/年 22000RMB/Year |
硕士学费(MS program Tuition fee) | 30000人民币/年 30000RMB/Year |
博士学费(PhD program Tuition fee) | 38000人民币/年 38000RMB/Year |
住宿费 (Accommodation fee) | 7200人民币/年(两人间)7200 RMB/Year (Double Room) 10800人民币/年(单人间)10800 RMB/Year (Single Room) |
New international students should follow onsite registration procedures according to the requirements on Admission Notice.
If you cannot register on time, you need to provide an official explanation in email to NPU International College Admissions Office one week in advance. If you do not register without a report for more than 2 weeks, you will be seen as automatically dropped out.
九、校车时刻(School Buses taking):
If your school is located at Chang’an campus, you can take shuttle bus to Chang’an campus after registration to process your accommodation. The detailed time for shuttle buses are as bellow.
Shuttle Bus Operation schedule (July 15- -August 23):
Youyi Campus-Chang’an Campus
七号学生公寓西侧发车,班次 8:00、11:00 、15:00。
Get on the bus at the west side of No. 7 student apartment, depart at 8:00,11:00 and 15:00.
Chang’an Campus-Youyi Campus
校车候车厅发车,班次 9:30 、12:30 、16:45。
Get on the bus at the School bus waiting hall, depart at 9:30,12:30 and 16:45.
Shuttle Bus Operation schedule (August 24 - -August 30):
Youyi Campus-Chang’an Campus
Get on the bus at the west side of No. 7 student apartment, from 8:00 to 19:00 the bus will depart when it is full.
For more information on enrollment, please check the Admission Guide for International Freshmen 2024 and FAQ for International Students.
《2024级国际新生入学指南》Admission Guide for International Freshmen 2024:
《国际学生入学报到常见问题》FAQ for International Students: