
发布日期:2024-06-27 来源: 作者:系统管理员 浏览:


Dear all international students,

根据学校工作安排,2024年暑假放假时间为7月15日至9月1日。7月1日至7月14日为夏季学期,请有夏季学期教学安排的学生需根据教学安排按时参加。According to the university’s arrangement, the summer vacation in 2024 will be from July 15th to September 1st. July 1st to July 14th is the summer semester, and students who have summer semester courses are required to complete relevant learning tasks according to the course arrangements.


Duty Arrangement


During the summer vacation, the International College will arrange teachers to be on duty on both the new and old campuses. For specific duty teachers, duty locations, and time arrangements, please refer to the "Notice of the International College Duty Arrangements for the 2024 Summer Vacation".




The new semester will officially start on September 2th. The registration period for old students is from August 30th to August 31th (the registration arrangements for freshmen will be notified later). All students are required to return to school on time. Those who are unable to register on time will be expelled in accordance with the university management regulations.


Important tips

1. 假期外出需提前一天告知辅导员行程。

If you have travel plan, please inform the counselor of the itinerary in advance.

2. 请注意各类证件及保险有效期,签证在假期过期的,请尽快联系辅导员确认签证延期时间。

Please pay attention to the validity of residence permit/visa and insurance. If your residence permit/visa expires during the summer vacation, please contact the counselor to confirm the extension time as soon as possible.

3. 请注意公寓用水用电安全,保证人走电断,谨防触电等事故发生。

Use all the appliances and kitchen wares in the right way, turn off the power after you leave; avoid electric shock or other incidents happening.

4. 遵守相关法律法规,不组织或参与违法犯罪活动。注意交通安全,遵守交通法规。不得无照驾驶。严禁非法打工。

Abide by regulations and laws,do not organize or involve in illegal activities. Abide by traffic regulations and laws. Do not drive without a valid license. Illegal employment is strictly prohibited.

5. 如需要门诊、住院等,请提前联系联华保险(Tel:4008105119)。

If you need outpatient service or hospitalization, please contact insurance company in advance (Tel:4008105119).

6. 如有问题,请随时联系辅导员老师。

Any question, please contact your counsellor in time.


During the vacation, please do not participate in illegal activities. Do not to work illegally and stay away from pornography, gambling, poison and other illegal activities. Wish you a joyful vacation!



International College

June 26th, 2024




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