关于2021年端午节放假安排的通知 Notice on Holiday of 2021 Dragon Boat Festival

发布日期:2021-06-07 来源: 作者:系统管理员 浏览:





Dear all international students,

The Dragon Boat Festival holiday will be From June 12 to June 14 , 3 days in total. In principle, all courses will be closed during the holidays. If the course is held as scheduled, please follow the schedule of the course teacher.



Reminders & Tips

1. 当前疫情防控尚未结束,境内一些地方已成为中高风险地区。请同学们严格遵守学校疫情防控要求,非必要不外出,确需离开本市者,按程序报备辅导员,待批准后方可离开。

COVID-19 pandemic has not been over yetand some places of China have become medium-high risk areas. During the special period of pandemic, international students are not allowed to go out of Xi'an without permission. If there is special circumstances, please report to your counsellor in advance.


2. 请做好防护,避免到人员密集区,不容留他人, 出入公共场所自觉佩戴口罩。

Please do self-protectionand avoid unnecessary going out; Do not gather and accommodate people from other cities; Please wear mask when you go to public places.


3. 请注意公寓用水、用电安全,保证人走电断,谨防触电等事故发生。

Use all the appliances and kitchen wares in the right way, turn off the power after you leave;  avoid electric shock or other incidents happening.


4. 遵守相关法律法规,不组织或参与违法犯罪活动。注意交通安全,遵守交通法规。不得无照驾驶。严禁非法打工。

Abide by regulations and lawsdo not organize or involve in illegal activities. Abide by traffic regulations and laws. Do not drive without a valid license. Illegal employment is strictly prohibited.


5. 如有问题,请随时辅导员老师。

Any question, please contact your counsellor in time.




International College

June 7th, 2021

下一篇:西北工业大学2021年留学生诗歌朗诵大赛2021 Recitation Contest for NPU International Students



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