School of Mechanics, Civil Engineering and Architecture

The School of Mechanics, Civil Engineering and Architecture (SMCEA) was founded in July 2003, and the whole School has moved to Chang An Campus in 2008. Many famous Chinese scientists/educators, such as professor Ji Wenmei, Hu Peiquan, and Lv Maolie, had taught here.
SMCEA consists of three departments: the Department of Engineering Mechanics, the Department of Civil Engineering and the Department of Architecture.
SMCEA currently has more than 100 faculties with high academic levels and rich experiences in teaching and research, including one member of the Chinese Academy of Science (double hiring), one member of "973 chief scientist", two Cheung Kong Scholars appointed by the Ministry of Education, five selected members of the Ministry of Education’s Excellent Talents Support Program in the new century, two recipients of the Alexander von Humboldt Science Foundation, one recipient of Henry Fok Young Teacher Foundation, two recipients of Shaanxi Provincial teaching masters, and one Xiang Jiang scholar. And the School has25 full professors and 42 associate professors.
Following the leading of older generation of educators, the School has a high quality teaching team represented by provincial famous teachers, who trained a large number of outstanding talents for the country. SMCEA successively won the first prize and 2 second prizes in national teaching achievements, also obtained the national mechanical basic course teaching team in 2009. Materials Mechanics and Theoretical Mechanics have been included in the national high quality courses.
During the period of "11th Five-Year Plan", we have undertaken more than 150 national and provincial scientific research projects, and scientific research funds rose from more than one million in 2003 to more than 35 million in 2010. We have published more than 2000 high level of academic journals at home and abroad, of which more than 1000 indexed by SCI, EI, ISTP, also have applied for eight national patents and three licensing items. In recent years, more than 10 provincial science and technology awards have been obtained.
School of Mechanics, Civil Engineering and Architecture Website:https://tujian.nwpu.edu.cn/en/index.htm
附件 Attachment:
6. 2025学年力学与土木建筑学院博士申请导师信息表 Supervisor List for 2025 PhD Application School of Mechanics, Civil Engineering and Architecture.pdf
重要提示 Notice:
1. 附件为力学与土木建筑学院2025年专业信息表与可接收硕士的导师信息表。
The attachments are the Major List and the Supervisor List that can accept the Master students of the School of Mechanics, Civil Engineering and Architecture in 2025 Academic Year.
2. 请根据此表中导师的教师主页信息以及研究方向选择并联系与你研究方向一致或相似的导师,请不要群发邮件。
Please contact the supervisor according to the their research direction and Teacher Website Page information.
Do not send the MASS EMAIL.
3. 博士申请,导师接收函为必要文件。
For PhD application, the supervisor acceptance letter is the mandatory document.
The Major Introduction for the School of Mechanics, Civil Engineering and Architecture
①专业名称 Major: 土木工程Civil Engineering
1. 授课语言 Medium: 英语 English
2. 专业方向名称Research Direction:
桥梁工程Bridge engineering
土木工程Civil Engineering
结构工程 Structural Engineering
3. 专业介绍 Major Introduction:
The ultimate goal of this major is to train senior professionals in the fields of construction engineering, transportation and civil engineering, and aerospace facilities engineering. Specifically, to cultivate and master the basic theories and knowledge of structural engineering, rock engineering, tunnel and bridge engineering, road engineering, and disaster prevention, disaster reduction and protection engineering, etc., To receive basic training for registered engineers and have the ability to engage in civil engineering project planning and design, construction and management, and research and development capabilities. After graduation, students can engage in technical or management work in the design, construction, management, investment, development, research and education departments of housing construction, underground construction, tunnels, bridges, roads, airports and ports, municipal engineering, etc., and have broad employment prospects ; They can also choose structural engineering, disaster prevention and mitigation and protection engineering, geotechnical engineering, bridge and tunnel engineering, road and airport engineering, civil engineering construction and management or management science and engineering, engineering mechanics, solid mechanics and other graduate majors for further study.
4. 专业核心课程名称Core Courses:
理论力学(英)Theoretical Mechanics
材料力学(英)Mechanics of Materials
工程力学实验(英)Engineering Mechanics Test
机械制图(英)Mechanical Mapping
建筑材料(英)Construction Materials
结构力学(英)Structural Mechanics
混凝土基本构件及原理(英)Elementary Reinforced Concrete Design
土力学及地基基础(英)Soil Mechanics & Foundation Engineering
混凝土结构设计及砌体结构(英)Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures and Masonry Structures
结构工程案例(英)SAP2000 Structural Engineering Case
振动理论(英)Theory of Vibration
土木工程概论(英)Outline of Civil
5. 有无先修课程要求Whether has Prerequisite Courses:YES
6. 先修课程名称Prerequisite Courses:
线性代数(英)Linear algebra
概率论与数理统计(英)Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics
大学物理(英)College Physics
大学物理实验(英)College Physics Experiment
计算机基础(英语)Fundamentals of Computers
计算机基础实验(英语)Fundamentals of Computers Experiment
程序设计基础(英语)Programming basic
程序设计基础实验(英语)Programming Experiment
②专业名称 Major:固体力学 Solid Mechanics
专业核心课程名称 Core Courses:
现代数值分析 Modern Numerical Analysis
复合材料高级力学 Advanced Mechanics of Composite Materials
连续损伤力学 The Continuum Damage Mechanics
计算纳米力学 Computational Nanomechanics
纳米材料与纳米结构力学行为 Mechanical Behavior of Nanonmaterials and Nanonstructure
智能结构与材料 Intelligent Structure and Materials
应用非线性力学 Applied Nonlinear Mechanics
结构可靠性分析基础 Fundamentals of Structure Reliability Analysis
③专业名称 Major: 力学Mechanics
1. 授课语言 Medium: 英语 English
2. 专业方向名称Research Direction:
动力学与控制Dynamics and control
工程力学Engineering mechanics
固体力学 Solid Mechanics
3. 专业介绍 Major Introduction:
Mechanics is one of the Applied Science. It takes theory, experiment and computer simulation as the main means to study the general laws and common problems in engineering technology, and directly serves engineering technology, involving aviation, aerospace, construction, machinery, automobile, shipbuilding, environment, biomedicine and many other fields. Through the study of this major, graduates can understand Chinese culture, politics, economy and history, master a certain degree of Chinese, master the professional knowledge of basic theory, calculation technology and experimental skills of mechanics, have a strong foundation of mathematics and physics, and have the ability to engage in scientific research, teaching or undertake special technical work independently, have strong practical ability and cooperative spirit, be able to engage in engineering design and analysis, technical development and technical management related to mechanical problems in relevant large and medium-sized enterprises, design and research institutes, high-tech enterprises and other units, and have broad academic vision, good academic ethics and professionalism, and have good physical and mental health.
4. 专业核心课程名称Core Courses:
断裂力学Fracture Mechanics
材料疲劳Fatigue of Materials
弹性力学Elasticity Mechanics
复合材料损伤和断裂力学Damage and Fracture Mechanics of Composite Materials
3D纤维增强高分子复合材料3D Fiber Reinforced PolymerComposites
常微分方程Ordinary Differential Equations
计算纳米力学Computational Nanomechanics
5. 有无先修课程要求Whether has Prerequisite Courses:NO