School of Public Policy and Administration

The School of Public Policy and Administration is a school of liberal arts in Northwestern Polytechnical University (NPU). There are in it three departments: Department of Economics, Department of Law, and Department of Public Administration. The MPA Education Center of NPU and the Ideological and Political Theory Teaching and Research Section of NPU also are located in the school.
The school has one PhD degree-awarding discipline, 17 Master degree-awarding disciplines and four undergraduate programs.The school undertakes the building-up of the Philosophy and Social Sciences Base of the West China National Defense Industrial Development and Research Center under the Project 985 of the Ministry of Education. It also takes on research projects assigned by the Social Science Foundation of China, the Natural Science Foundation of China, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and so on.
附件 Attachment:
13. 2025学年公共政策与管理学院硕士申请导师信息表 Supervisor List for 2025 Master Application School of Public Policy and Administration.pdf
重要提示 Notice:
1. 附件为公共政策与管理学院2025年专业信息表与可接收硕士的导师信息表。
The attachments are the Major List and the Spervisor List that can accept the Master students of the School of Public Policy and Administration in 2025 Academic Year.
2. 请根据此表中导师的教师主页信息以及研究方向选择并联系与你研究方向一致或相似的导师,请不要群发邮件。
Please contact the supervisor according to the their researsh direction and Teacher Website Page information.
Do not send the MASS EMAIL.
3. 公共政策与管理学院硕士申请英文授课要求雅思总分达到6.5分/中文授课要求HSK达到六级。School of Public Policy and Administration requires IELTS 6.5 in total for English meduim major application, and HSK 6 certificate for Chinese medium major application.
4. 导师的邮箱域名为:@nwpu.edu.cn.
Please add: @nwpu.edu.cn after the email adress.
The Major Introduction for the School of Public Policy and Administration
一、专业名称 Major:应用经济学 Applied Economics
研究方向 Research Direction:
① 区域经济理论与实践 (Regional Economics and Practice)
着重区域经济发展战略与规划、城镇化与区域经济发展 、产业与区域经济发展 、区域经济发展中的金融支持的研究
Focused on the research of The strategy plan of regional economic development, urbanization in the development of regional economic, Industrial economic in a region, and the financial support to the development of regional economic.
核心课程 Core Courses:
宏微观经济学(Macro and Micro Economics)
区域经济学(Regional Economics)
应用经济研究方法(Research Methodology in Applied Economics)
世界经济(The World Economy)
② 产业经济理论与实践 (Industrial Economics and Practice)
重点对区域经济发展战略与规划、城镇化与区域经济发展 、产业与区域经济发展 、区域经济发展中的金融支持等进行研究focused on the research of industrial structure and upgrading, Industrial chain and industrial cluster, and the financial support to industrial Development.
核心课程 Core Courses:
产业经济学(Industry Economics)
产业组织理论(Industrial Organization)
公司法(Corporation Law)
数理统计(Mathematical Statistics)
③ 金融理论与实践 (Financial Theory and Practice)
集中对金融市场运行 、宏观金融与货币政策 、金融创新与风险控制 等的研究
Focus on the research of Financial market operation, Macro finance and monetary policy and financial innovation and risk control.
核心课程 Core Courses:
货币经济学和金融市场(Economics of Money and Financial Markets)
金融法(Financial Law)
国际经济前沿(The Frontier Questions of International Economics)
国际服务贸易(International Trade in Services)
二、专业名称 Major:公共管理 Public Administration
研究方向 Research Direction:
① 行政管理 Administration Management
Based on Chinese and foreign public management and administrative management theories and research methods and political science and economics theories, exploring the development history, schools of thought, research methods, administrative organization and management processes, theories, methods, technology, and administrative reform and development trends and other issues. Research topics include: administrative theory and methods, contemporary Chinese government governance, big data and government information management, human resource development and management, urban governance, etc.
核心课程 Core Courses:
公共管理学 Public Administration
政治学原理 Principles of Political Science
组织行为学 Organizational Behavior
公共部门人力资源管理 Human Resource Management in the Public Sector
城市发展与管理导论 Introduction to Urban Development and Management
政府绩效管理理论与实践 Theory and Practice of Government Performance Management
电子政务 E-government
行政法 Administrative Law
② 公共政策 Public Policy
On the basis of multi-disciplinarity, analyzing the basic theories and professional knowledge of public policy disciplines, exploring the values, thinking methods, model paths, and specific decision-making and analysis techniques of public policy analysis, studying the subjects, approaches and methods of public policy formulation, and using modern public policy principles and methods to analyze and solve public domain problems. Research topics include: definition of public policy issues, public policy program planning and decision-making, public policy implementation and public policy evaluation.
核心课程 Core Courses:
公共政策分析 Public Policy Analysis
公共经济学 Public Economics
公共管理研究方法 Public Management Research Methods
社会调查研究方法 Social Survey Research Methods
社会统计分析方法 Social Statistical Analysis Method
公共政策研究专题 Public Policy Research Topics
③ 社会保障 Social Security
Mainly studying the logical process and institutional framework of the changes and evolution of the social security system; explaining the theoretical basis, structure, function, management process and actual affairs of each item in the social security system; demonstrating and analyzing the operation mechanism of the raising, storage, distribution, use, investment operation of social security funds in multiple levels and dimensions, property rights involved, the redistribution relationship in intergenerational support, etc.; researching the social security management information system.
核心课程 Core Courses:
社会保障理论研究 Social Security Theory Research
社会保障基金管理 Social Security Fund Management
社会保障国际比较 International Comparison of Social Security
三、专业名称 Major:法学 Science of Law
1. 专业介绍 Major Introduction:
The law major has bs proficient in foreign languages", focusing on cultivating students' judicial practice ability and academic research ability; The basic training of legal thinking and legal practice trains students to have the basic ability to use legal theory and methods to analyze and solve problems, and to use the law to manage social and public affairs.
2. 研究方向及核心课程 Research Direction and its core courses:
① 法学理论 Legal Theory
核心课程 Core Courses:
法理学(Jurisprudence )
宪法(Constitution Law)
② 民商法学 Civil Law and Commercial Law
核心课程 Core Courses:
民法(Civil Law)
商法(Commercial Law )
③ 经济法学 Science of Economic Law
核心课程 Core Courses:
经济法(Economic Law )
民法(Civil Law)
④ 宪法与行政法学 Constitutional and administrative law
核心课程 Core Courses:
宪法(Constitution Law)
行政法与行政诉讼法(Administrative Law and Administrative Procedure Law )