School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

The School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering of Northwestern Polytechnical University was established in November 2019. It originated from the chemical fiber and plastics major established by the school in 1957. It is one of the first important bases for the development of polymer science and engineering scientific research and talent training in China.
The college has a first-level discipline doctoral program in chemistry, a second-level discipline doctoral program in materials science and materials processing engineering, a doctorate program in materials and chemical engineering; a first-level discipline master program in chemical engineering and technology, and a second-level master program in materials science and materials processing engineering. A master's degree in materials and chemical engineering. There are four undergraduate majors in molecular science and engineering (chemistry), polymer materials and engineering, chemical engineering and technology, and environmental science. Among them, polymer chemistry and physics and physical chemistry are key disciplines of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and the discipline of chemistry entered in 2011 The top 1% of ESI, and the ranking is rising year by year.
In the past five years, the college has undertaken nearly 500 scientific research projects of various types, presided over more than 120 national-level projects such as key projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, major special projects, and key national defense projects, with a total of nearly 300 million yuan in funds.
School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Website: http://huaxue.nwpu.edu.cn/
附件 Attachment:
24. 2025学年化学与化工学院硕士申请导师信息表 Supervisor List for 2025 Master Application School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering.pdf
重要提示 Notice:
1. 附件为化学与化工学院2025年专业信息表与可接收硕士的导师信息表。
The attachments are the Major List and the Spervisor List that can accept the Master students of the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering in 2025 Academic Year.
2. 请根据此表中导师的教师主页信息以及研究方向选择并联系与你研究方向一致或相似的导师,请不要群发邮件。
Please contact the supervisor according to the their researsh direction and Teacher Website Page information.
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3. 化学与化工学院硕士申请要求提供导师接收函。
For Master application, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering requires the acceptance letter. Please contact supervisor first.
The Major Introduction for the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
一、专业名称 Major:有机化学 Organic Chemistry
1. 专业核心课程名称 Core Courses:
高分子合成及其化学反应 Polymer synthesis and its chemical reaction
功能高分子材料 Functional polymer materials
高等物理化学 Advanced physical chemistry
高等有机化学 Advanced Organic Chemistry
现代仪器分析 Modern instrumental analysis
生物化学 Biochemistry
现代高分子化学前沿 Frontier of modern polymer chemistry
缀合化学 Conjugation chemistry
有机金属化学 Organometallic Chemistry
有机-无机杂化材料及其应用 Organic-inorganic hybrid materials and their applications
2、 研究方向及介绍 Research Direction and its introduction:
① 有机超分子化学 Organic supramolecular chemistry
Supramolecular polymer; Supramolecular self-assembly; Hyperbranched supramolecules; Metal based polymers; Organic chemistry of polymetallic oxygen clusters.
② 天然有机化学 Natural organic chemistry
Chemical biology research based on natural products (cyclic peptides and small molecular active components); Chemical modification and functional regulation of biopolymer materials (proteins and polysaccharides); Space biomimetic synthesis, interaction with cells and regulation of nano biomedical materials.
③ 生物有机和绿色化学 Bio organic and green chemistry.
Controllable, efficient and green design and synthesis theory and method of function oriented new medicinal materials; Green separation chemistry; Synthesis of bioactive small molecules; Fluorescence sensing chemistry.
④ 不对称合成 Asymmetric synthesis.
Chiral synthesis and separation chemistry; Chiral drug synthesis; Chiral polymers and supramolecular systems
⑤ 不对称催化 Asymmetric catalysis.
Development of chiral catalysts; Chiral catalyst loading; Chiral catalytic mechanism; Supramolecular chiral catalysis.
二、专业名称 Major:物理化学 Physical Chemistry
1. 专业核心课程名称 Core Courses:
高聚物的结构与性能 Structure and properties of polymers
高分子合成及其化学反应 Polymer synthesis and its chemical reaction
功能高分子材料 Functional polymer materials
高等物理化学 Advanced physical chemistry
高等有机化学 Advanced Organic Chemistry
高聚物的现代研究方法 Modern research methods of polymers
第一原理方法与应用 First principle method and Application
现代仪器分析 Modern instrumental analysis
分离化学 Separation chemistry
环境工程化学 Environmental Engineering Chemistry
生物化学 Biochemistry
生物医用高分子材料 Biomedical polymer materials
热分析动力学 Thermal analysis kinetics
光化学原理及应用 Photochemical principle and Application
应用电化学 Applied Electrochemistry
胶体与界面化学 Colloid and interface chemistry
现代高分子化学前沿 Frontier of modern polymer chemistry
有机-无机杂化材料及其应用 Organic-inorganic hybrid materials and their applications
2、 研究方向及介绍 Research Direction and its introduction:
① 功能材料体系物理化学 Physical chemistry of functional material system
Physics and chemistry of functional materials; Physics and chemistry of microstructure materials; Molecularly imprinted polymers and recognition mechanism; Functional ionic liquid.
② 化学热力学与动力学 Chemical thermodynamics and kinetics
Quantum chemistry theory and calculation method; Accurate calculation of thermochemical data; Applied quantum chemistry; Statistical thermodynamics and chemical thermodynamics of complex systems; Micro reaction kinetics method and its application.
③ 表界面化学与胶体化学、电化学 Surface and interface chemistry, colloidal chemistry and electrochemistry
Interfacial self-assembly of hybrid molecular systems; Polymer composite electrolyte; Corrosion and protection; Friction corrosion and protective chemistry.
④ 超分子体系物理化学 Physical chemistry of supramolecular systems
Supramolecular system and molecular recognition; Coordination polymers, synthesis and design, supramolecular self-assembly.
⑤ 高分子体系物理化学 Physical chemistry of polymer system.
面向功能高分子、高性能高分子、杂化高分子、超分子体系、生物大分子体系、高分子耐候性的计算与模拟It is oriented to the calculation and Simulation of functional polymers, high-performance polymers, hybrid polymers, supramolecular systems, biological macromolecular systems and polymer weather resistance.
三、专业名称 Major:高分子化学与物理 Polymer chemistry and Physics
1. 专业核心课程名称 Core Courses:
Organic-inorganic Hybrid Materials
Synthesis and Characterization of Macromolecules
Advanced Organic Chemistry
Progress in Materials Processing
Introduction to Polymer Physics
Frontier of Modern Polymer Chemistry
The Progress of New Energy Material & Technology
Progress in Advanced Functional Materials
2、 研究方向及介绍 Research Direction and its introduction:
① 功能高分子化学 Functional polymer chemistry
Polymer design and synthesis; Biomedical and renewable polymers; Photoelectric magnetic functional polymer; Polymer for space applications; Polymer for energy and environment
② 高性能高分子 High performance polymer
高分子结构/功能设计与合成; 高性能树脂基体; 高性能工程塑料; 耐高温聚合物; 介孔泡沫聚合物
Polymer structure / function design and synthesis; High performance resin matrix; High performance engineering plastics; High temperature resistant polymer; Mesoporous foam polymer.
③ 超分子化学与物理 Supramolecular chemistry and Physics
Green synthesis of supramolecular system; Supramolecular self-assembly of cyclodextrin system; Supramolecular system and molecular recognition; Synthesis, design and assembly of coordination polymers
④ 高分子复合体系 Polymer composite system
Advanced resin matrix composites and interfaces; Polymer nanocomposite system; Structure and properties of micro nano composites; Organic / inorganic hybrid polymer composite system
⑤ 高分子控制成型 Polymer controlled molding
Controlled molding of high performance resin matrix composite; Control molding of high performance engineering plastics; Controlled molding of organic-inorganic hybrid polymer composite system; Rheology and molding of polymer system
⑥ 高分子结构与性能Polymer structure and properties
Topological structure and properties of polymers; Structure and properties of polymer condensed matter; Structure and properties of hyperbranched polymers
四、专业名称 Major:化学工艺 Chemical Technology
1. 专业核心课程名称 Core Courses:
Frontier of Modern Polymer Chemistry
Synthesis and Characterization of Macromolecules
Advanced Organic Chemistry
Progress in Materials Processing
Introduction to Polymer Physics
The Progress of New Energy Material & Technology
Progress in Advanced Functional Materials
2、 研究方向及介绍 Research Direction and its introduction:
① 精细有机化学品的开发与应用 Development and application of fine organic chemicals
The molecular design, synthesis and characterization of organic fine chemicals; design and preparation technology of new catalyst support materials; particle chemistry and application technology; synthesis and application of high efficient surfactants; the synthesis process of various auxiliaries used in petrochemical industry and new materials
② 能源技术与新材料的制备工艺 Energy technology and preparation process of new materials
Research on basic issues of energy and chemical industry and comprehensive utilization of energy; design, preparation and characterization of electromagnetic functional materials; development of renewable energy technologies and environmentally friendly materials; preparation and application of specific functional nanomaterials
③ 绿色化学与特种功能材料合成工艺 Green chemistry and synthesis technology of special functional materials
Green chemical technology; special functional material synthesis technology; preparation technology and principle of polymer wear-resistant materials; corrosion and protection chemistry; polymer synthesis technology; molecular hybrid material synthesis technology
五、专业名称 Major:应用化学 Applied Chemistry
1. 专业核心课程名称 Core Courses:
Frontier of Modern Polymer Chemistry
Synthesis and Characterization of Macromolecules
Advanced Organic Chemistry
Progress in Materials Processing
Introduction to Polymer Physics
The Progress of New Energy Material & Technology
Progress in Advanced Functional Materials
2、 研究方向及介绍 Research Direction and its introduction:
① 精细化学品的合成及应用 Synthesis and application of fine chemicals
Design, synthesis and application of new organic and inorganic chemicals
② 先进功能材料的设计合成与应用 Design, synthesis and application of advanced functional materials
Design, synthesis and application of functional materials with photovoltaic, electrochemical, friction resistance, magnetic, and biocompatibility properties; design, synthesis and application of organic, inorganic and organic-inorganic hybrid materials; preparation and application of multi-level, porous materials with different morphologies and nanocomposites
③ 应用电化学与新型化学能源材料 Applied electrochemistry and new chemical energy materials
Research on key materials related to the field of electrochemical energy storage and new energy, as well as basic and applied basic research on energy systems such as new high-energy and high-power batteries
④ 化学分离与提纯 Chemical separation and purification
Separation and purification of rare and precious metals; separation and extraction of effective components from natural plants; synthesis and performance of new molecular sieves, ion exchange resins, and separation membranes
⑤ 应用量子化学 Applied quantum chemistry
The application of quantum chemistry in materials science and molecular design; the application of quantum chemistry in chemical thermodynamics and chemical kinetics; the calculation method of advanced quantum chemistry model with chemical precision
⑥ 环境化学 Environmental Chemistry
Environmental analysis and monitoring chemistry; environmental pollution chemical engineering; environmental pollution control and protection chemistry
六、、专业名称 Major:材料学 Material science
1. 研究方向 Research Direction:
金属材料 Metal Materials
无机非金属材料 Inorganic Materials
复合材料Composite Materials
功能材料 Functional Materials
材料的组织结构与性能 Materials Structure and Performance
材料的腐蚀科学与表面技术 Corrosion Science and Surface Technology of Materials
2. 专业介绍 Major Introduction:
It focuses on new metal materials and design、non-ferrous materials、high temperature alloy with refractory metal rare metal material、biomedical materials、environmental materials,ceramic Materials,advanced Carbon Materials,Special Ceramics and Glass,List of semiconductor materials,Refractory materials,Coating material,ceramic matrix composite,C/C matrix composite,metal matrix composite,resin matrix composite,photoelectrons materials and devices、principles and methods of crystal growth、optical materials、thin film materials、nanomaterial、energy material,mechanical properties of materials,physical chemistry properties of materials,environmental effects of materials,single crystal, amorphous and microcrystalline materials,advanced analysis, testing and characterization techniques,genetic engineering of materials,surface structure and properties of materials, surface damage and protection principle, surface protection and modification technology, environmental durability and life,prediction of engineering structures, new materials and technologies for surface protection, corrosion mechanism, diagnosis and control.
3. 专业核心课程名称 Core Courses:
材料科学与工程 Materials Science and Engineering
凝固技术 Solidification Technology
复合材料基础 Fundamentals of Composites
固相焊接 Solid-State Welding
高温合金 Superalloys
纳米合金 Nanoalloy
材料电子显微和分析 Electron Microscopy and Analysis for Materials
碳碳复合材料 Carbon-carbon Composites
材料物理 Materials Physics
高温材料的表面防护与涂层技术 Surface Protection and Coating Technique for High-temperature Materials
碳材料介绍 Introduction to Carbon Materials
纳米结构材料与纳米技术 Nanostructured Materials and Nanotechnology
材料计算建模与设计 Computational Materials Modelling and Design
半导体的物理和材料特性 Physics and Materials Properties of Semiconductors
熔体特性与熔体生长技术 Melt Characteristics and Melt Growth Techniques
4. 有无先修课程 Whether has the Prerequisite Courses: 有 Yes
材料科学与工程 Materials Science and Engineering
先修课程 Prerequisite Courses:高等数学、物理化学、材料力学;
高温合金 Superalloys
先修课程 Prerequisite Courses:Fundations of Material Science
碳碳复合材料 Carbon-carbon Composites
先修课程 Prerequisite Courses:Fundamentals of Materials Science,Physical chemistry;
材料物理 Materials Physics
先修课程 Prerequisite Courses:Physics/Chmistry/Fundations of Materials Science/Physical Properties of Materials
材料计算建模与设计 Computational Materials Modelling and Design
先修课程 Prerequisite Courses:Fundamentals of Materials Science
半导体的物理和材料特性 Physics and Materials Properties of Semiconductors
先修课程 Prerequisite Courses:半导体物理
熔体特性与熔体生长技术 Melt Characteristics and Melt Growth Techniques
先修课程 Prerequisite Courses:Fundamentals of Materials Science