
发布日期:2025-02-13 来源: 作者:系统管理员 浏览:


Dear students, we hereby inform you of the following academic matters concerning the start of the spring semester:

补考 Makeup Exam



The makeup (deferred) exams for the Fall Semester of the 2024-2025 academic year for undergraduate students will be conducted from March 3rd to 16th, 2025. The relevant matters are hereby notified as follows:

I. 考试安排Exam Schedule


Please log in to "Aoxiang Academic Affairs" from February 17th to 18th, navigate to "Exam Management," and verify the list of exam subjects generated by the system in "Makeup Exam Inquiry" to avoid any omissions. If you are unable to log in to the system or do not find your exam subject information after logging in, please report it to your School before 16:00 on February 18th.


Students who have SUSPENDED during the Fall Semester of the 2024-2025 academic year and have applied for deferred exams or need to take makeup exams should contact their School to register before February 14th.

II. 考试安排Exam Schedule


The makeup (deferred) exam schedule for courses arranged uniformly by the Academic Affairs Department will be released on February 24th. Students must log in to "Aoxiang Academic Affairs," navigate to "Exam Management," and check the exam information.

III. 成绩录入Grade Entry


All Schools will complete the entry of makeup (deferred) exam grades before 24:00 on March 30th.

选课 Course Selection


I. 补选 Re-choosing Selection


The re-choosing selection for undergraduate students will begin at 9:00 AM on February 17, 2025, and end at 4:00 PM on February 21, 2025. Students need to log in to the course selection system to submit their applications.

II. 补选注意事项 Re-choosing Selection Precautions


Students needing to select conflicting courses due to retakes, major changes, or minors should first select regular courses during the main selection and then select retake/minor courses during the re-choosing phase.


Complete the re-choosing selection within the designated time frame. Refer to the Undergraduate re-choosing Course Selection Procedure for the steps. After the re-choosing phase ends, course selection requests will generally not be processed further.


Courses selected during the re-choosing phase cannot be withdrawn. Be cautious in making your choices. It may take 2–3 days for approval after the re-choosing phase. Log in to the Academic Affairs System within one week of the phase’s end to confirm your selection results.

开课时间 Class Schedule



Teaching arrangements for undergraduate, master's, and doctoral programs will officially begin on February 17.


Academic Reminders  

for Master's and

Doctoral Students


I. 毕业事宜 Graduation matters:


For students preparing to graduate, please prepare all kinds of graduation materials in advance, closely monitor the progress of your thesis submission for review, and communicate frequently with your supervisors to ensure a smooth graduation process.

II. 学期科研安排Semester research arrangements


Non - graduating students should contact your supervisors as soon as possible after the start of the semester, integrate into the research group as early as possible, participate in research activities, and enhance your research capabilities.

III. 反馈渠道 Feedback channels


If you encounter any problems during the graduation process or when contacting your supervisors, you can send an email to IAAO@nwpu.edu.cn to feedback to IAAO, and we will provide timely assistance.

编辑 | 王欣玥

审核 | 李自伟






学院办公室+86-(29) 88492984

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留学生管理办公室: +86-(29) 88495735

教学管理办公室: +86-(29) 88492721

汉语中心: +86-(29) 88460228

传真(Fax): +86 – 29- 88491544 电子邮箱: icoffice@nwpu.edu.cn

地址: 中国 陕西 西安市碑林区友谊西路127号 西北工业大学国际教育学院
