Notice of the First "Friendship Cup" Chinese Speech Contest for International Students at NPU International College
Spring is a season of blossoming, and autumn is a time of harvest. Over the past decade since the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) was proposed,created platforms for international economic cooperation. As the beneficiaries of deepening cooperation in education, science and technology, our international students are supposed to delve a deep understanding of China's scientific and technological innovations, Shaanxi's urban development and our university's spirit of "Loyalty,Integrity,Courage and Perseverance".
“Friendship Cup” Speech Contest, focusing on "Ten Years on the Belt Road, Dreaming of China and Creating the Future", will set a stage for international students to communicate and learn from each other, tell the story of China and the Silk Road, to help them fulfill their diversified dreams.
一、活动主题 Topic
Ten Years Growth with the Belt & Road, Fulfilling Your China Dream and Leaping into the Future
二、活动时间 Time
2023年11月 2023 Nov.
三、主办单位 Organizer
西北工业大学国际教育学院 NPU International College
四、参赛对象 Participants
西北工业大学全体在读国际学生 All international students in NPU
五、比赛内容 Contents of the competition
Based on "Ten Years Growth with the Belt & Road, Fulfilling Your China Dream and Leaping into the Future", the speech contest focuses on the true feelings of study life in NPU, the growth and harvest during this process, combining with majors and social practice experience, as well as personal future development and dreams. Self-determined and appropriate title.
No plagiarism, or you will be regarded as malpractice, with word count less than 800 words, and the final speech transcript should be almost same as the content of the video recording in preliminary round.
No more than 3 minutes.
Related videos and slides can be provided by candidates.
Video requirements:
shoot by professional devices or mobile phone
horizontal screen recording;
Video resolution: 1280 * 720 or above
Format:MP4, MOV
Please name the video in the form of "student number + name".
六、赛程安排 Schedule

The specific time and spot of the final round will be notified together with the announcement of the finalists.
七、奖项设置 Awards
First, second and third class and several participation award, and trophies, certificates and gifts will be awarded to the winners above.
八、联系方式 Contact
汉语中心 Chinese Language Center:88460228
留学生管理办公室 ISO Student Office:88495735
报名表 Registration Form
初赛视频提交 Preliminary Video Submission