费用缴纳 Tuition and insurance fee

发布日期:2021-09-18 来源: 作者:系统管理员 浏览:

费用清单 Payment list

需要缴纳的费用Fees need to be paid


Tuition Fee

(Self-Funded Student)

ž 本科生 中文授课20000 人民币/学年

Undergraduates (Chinese Medium): 20000 RMB / Year

ž 本科生 英文授课 22000 人民币/学年

Undergraduates (English Medium): 22000 RMB / Year

ž 硕士研究生 30000 人民币/学年

Master student: 30000 RMB / Year

ž 博士研究生 38000 人民币/学年

PhD Student: 38000 RMB / Year

ž 预科项目25000/学年

Foundation Program: 25000 RMB / Year

ž 汉语项目 7500/学期 15000/学年

Chinese Program: 7500 RMB / Semester

15000 RMB / Year

Other expenses


Offline students


Online students



Visa Extension Fee


400 RMB each time



Physical Exam Fee


Around 400 RMB



Accommodation Fee

(Self-Funded Student)


600 RMB / Month or 1000 RMB / Monthpaid by academic year



Deposit for dormitory


Deposit for dormitory in Youyi Campus: 600 RMB

Deposit for Accommodation in Chang’an Campus: 1000 RMB


医疗保险Medical Insurance

800人民币/800 RMB / Year


生活费Living Expense

1500人民币/1500 RMB / Month


被褥费Bedding cost


380 RMB each set (Please prepare the sheet by yourself)


校园卡Student Card

100人民币 100 RMB


网费 Internet payment

100人民币 100RMB


学校费用缴纳方式 Payment methods

Ø 现金缴费Paid by cash

Ø 银行卡缴费:无现金的学生可在两周内办理银行卡后缴纳学费,且只接受标有银 联标志的银行卡进行缴费。

Paid by bank card: students who have no cash can finish the payment within two weeks after opening the bank card, but only the bank cards with the UnionPay are accepted for payment.

缴费注意事项 Payment notice:

Ø 缴费需有学生本人亲自办理,不能委托他人代办。

The payment must be finished by yourself.

Ø 学历生缴费只能按一学年的费用进行缴费(费用包括学费和住宿费)

The payment for degree students can only be paid by year (academic year). The fees include tuition and accommodation fees.


The payment for non-degree students can be paid by semester. The fees include tuition and accommodation fees.

Ø 所有费用必须在规定时间缴纳完成,无故未能按时缴纳学费的学生,不能正常入 ;无故未能按时缴纳住宿费的学生,需缴纳滞纳金。

All fees must be paid within the stipulated time. Students who fail to pay tuition on time without any report cannot be normally enrolled. Students who fail to pay accommodation fee on time without any report must pay the late fee.

Ø 缴费完成后,学生需上交缴费单复印件

After finishing the payment, students need to submit the copy of the payment slip.


Important note: Offline students please submit the receipt with other materials to the International Student Administration Office (716 Yizi Building, Youyi Campus). The student number should be noted on the receipt.

Online students please submit your transfer record of tuition in Dingtalk group chat with your name and student ID, telling your consellor as well.

学生保险办理Students Insurance Payment

Ø 中国政府奖学金学生的保险办理流程:政府奖学金生由CSC统一投保

CSC scholarship students: the insurance is covered by CSC

Ø 校长奖学金卓越奖学生的保险办理流程:校长奖学金卓越奖学金生(即留学工大一等奖学金生)本科生自行办理,硕士研究生和博士研究生由学校统一投保。

NPU President Excellent Scholarship students: the insurance of Undergraduate international students is not covered by NPU; the insurance of Master and Doctor international students are covered by NPU.

Ø 其他新生保险办理流程:

Insurance application procedure for other students:

① 登录联华保险网址www.lxbx.net,点击留学生查询缴费平台,用护照号登录;

Log in to the Lianhua Insurance website (www.lxbx.net), click the "Student check payment" icon, and log in with the passport number for registration;

① 填写所有信息并且核实

Fill in and verify all information;

② 选择拟投保保期和费用:一年800元;

Choose the planned insurance period and cost: 800 RMB / Year;

③ 按网上提示进入在线支付(微信或支付宝)流程并支付;

Follow the online prompts to enter the online payment (WeChat or Alipay) process and finish the payment;

④ 缴清保险费用后,下载并打印电子发票

After finishing the insurance fee payment, please download and print the digital receipt.


Note: Please submit the receipt with other materials to the International Student Administration Office (716 Yizi Building, Youyi Campus). The student number should be noted on the receipt.

上网套餐缴费Payment for Internet Plan Package:


Option 1: Paid by WeChat public account: "XBGDCW"

(1) 步骤1:关注西北工业大学财务处微信公众号,点击缴费业务

Step 1: Follow the WeChat public account of " XBGDCW " and click the payment service

(2) 步骤2:点击网费缴费

Step 2: Click "网费缴费";

(3) 步骤3:首次缴费需要确认个人信息:

Step 3: It is required to confirm your personal information for first payment:

l 点击学生Click STUDENT

l 用户名为学号User name will be your student ID number

l 初始密码为护照号,信息填写完成后点击注册;

The initial password will be your passport number. Please click the REGISTRATION after filling in the information.

(4) 步骤4:登录后,选择套餐与充值金额,完成缴费

Step 4: After logging in, please select the internet plan package and recharge amount to complete the payment


Option2Paid by the Aoxiang Portal

(1) 步骤1:登陆翱翔门户然后点击财务系统

Step 1: Log in to the Aoxiang Portal and click "财务系统"

(2) 步骤2:点击统一支付平台

Step 2: Click "统一支付平台"

(3) 步骤3:点击生活缴费

Step 3: Click "生活缴费"

(4) 步骤4:选择套餐,点击网费缴费,完成缴费

Step 4: Select the internet plan package, click on the network fee payment to complete the payment



学院办公室+86-(29) 88492984

招生办公室: +86-(29) 88494381

留学生管理办公室: +86-(29) 88495735

教学管理办公室: +86-(29) 88492721

汉语中心: +86-(29) 88460228

传真(Fax): +86 – 29- 88491544 电子邮箱: icoffice@nwpu.edu.cn

地址: 中国 陕西 西安市碑林区友谊西路127号 西北工业大学国际教育学院
