
发布日期:2024-09-03 来源: 作者:系统管理员 浏览:


School of Foreign Studies


The foreign language discipline of Northwestern Polytechnical University (NPU) has a long history, profound foundation and sublime notion.As early as 1984, the university established its Master's degree program of foreign linguistics and applied linguistics, being the first of its kind among the science and engineering universities in Northwest China. Department of Foreign Languages was founded in 1985 and started from 1993 to enroll four-year undergraduates majoring in English.

School of Foreign Studies has its Department of Foreign Languages and Literature (including English Teaching and Research Section and German Teaching and Research Section), Foreign Languages and Literature Research Institute, Master of Translation and Interpretation Educational Center, College English Teaching Section (including the First College English Teaching and Research Section and the Second College English Teaching and Research Section), and the Foreign Language Non-major Postgraduate Teaching Section.

The school has 112 faculty, among which 100 are teachers, including 11 professors, 49 associate professors, one member of the National Teaching Advisory Committee and three Shaanxi Provincial Distinguished Teaching Professors. Each year, over 10 international teachers from the US, Germany, the UK, Sweden and other countries teach on part-time basis at the school.

In the areas of student education, exchange visits of teachers and research collaboration, the school has established the exchange and cooperation relations with the educational or research organizations of several countries such as the US, Sweden, Germany and so on.

School of Foreign Studies Website: https://wgyxy.nwpu.edu.cn/

附件 Attachment:

16. 2025学年外国语学院硕士申请导师信息表 Supervisor List for 2025 Master Application School of Foreign Studies.pdf

重要提示 Notice:

1. 附件为外国语学院2025年专业信息表与可接收硕士的导师信息表。

The attachments are the Major List and the Spervisor List that can accept the Master students of the School of Foreign Studies in 2025 Academic Year.

2. 请根据此表中导师的教师主页信息以及研究方向选择并联系与你研究方向一致或相似的导师,请不要群发邮件。

Please contact the supervisor according to the their researsh direction and Teacher Website Page information.

Do not send the MASS EMAIL.


The Major Introduction for the School of Foreign Studies

一、 专业名称 Major:外国语言学及应用语言学 Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics

1. 专业核心课程名称 Core Courses:

普通语言学 General Linguistics

应用语言学研究方法 Research Methods in Applied Linguistics

教育语言学 Educational Linguistics

理论语言学 Theoretical Linguistics

第二语言习得与应用 Second Language Acquisition and its Application

认知语言学 Cognitive Linguistics

2. 研究方向 Research Direction:

语言学 Linguistics


(1) to introduce the linguistic views of the major schools of linguistic theories, reveal the general nature and common rules of language, study structures and types of language, the social functions of language, the historical development of language, and other language-related issues; (2) to integrate experimental research, corpus research and the social aspects of language, namely social cognition and social variation, through basing on the pursuit of cognitive linguistics as a unified theoretical system; (3) to explore specific utterances in specific contexts, especially how to understand and use language in different contexts.

应用语言学 Applied Linguistics


(1) to investigate the collection, storage, retrieval, statistics, grammatical annotation, syntactic and semantic analysis of machine-readable natural language texts, as well as the application of corpus in language quantitative analysis, lexicography, work style analysis, natural language understanding and machine translation; (2) to analyze the formation rules, main problems and solutions of second language acquisition, and studies the internal and external factors affecting second language acquisition and the role of classroom teaching in second language acquisition through combining educational psychology, psycholinguistics and sociolinguistics theories from the perspective of cognitive mechanism; (3) to compare language education policies, standards and evaluations, foreign language teacher education and development and modern language education technology between China and foreign countries, as well as internationalization and development trend of Chinese and foreign language education from the aspects of educational ideas, contents, methods and models.

翻译研究 Translation Studies


(1) to explore the history of translation theories, schools and representative theorists of translation theories proposed by both domestic and international scholars; (2) to study and understand the essence of translation and explore the laws of translation processes from the perspective of linguistic and related frontier theories; (3) to explore the essence of translation in practice, understand the application of translation theories, and cultivate theoretical literacy and practical ability through comparisons of English-Chinese translation practices and exercise.

二、 专业名称 Major:英语语言文学 English Language and Literature  

1. 专业核心课程名称 Core Courses:

文学研究导论 Introduction to Literature

文学研究方法 Methods of Literary Studies

英美文学选读 Selected Readings in British and American English

西方文学理论选读 Selected Readings in Literary Criticism

比较文学 Comparative Literature

2. 研究方向 Research Direction:

语言学 Linguistics


(1) to explore the history of language development, the origin of linguistic theories and the establishment of various schools of theories, as well as their application in the field of language research, such as pragmatics, psycholinguistics, cognitive linguistics, etc.; (2) to introduce research methods in language learning and analyze the phenomena of using of language while applying relevant and general linguistic theories.

英国文学 British Literature


Research in British Literature field introduces the beginning of English literature, the characteristics of each development period and its corresponding relations with different social and cultural backgrounds. This research field enables students to appreciate works of different genres, such as novels, dramas and poems and to explore the social significance and impact of works while understanding the author's writing style.

美国文学 American Literature


Research in American Literature field introduces the beginning of American literature, the characteristics of each development period and its corresponding relations with different social and cultural backgrounds. This research field enables students to appreciate works of different genres, such as novels, dramas and poems and to explore the social significance and impact of works while understanding the author's writing style.

下一篇: 2025年马克思主义学院硕士国际学生专业及导师信息表



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