School of Mathematics and Statistics
数学与统计学院聚焦数学、统计学及其应用中的前沿科学问题,开展高水平科学研究与高层次的人才培养。其前身是1957年创建的数学力学系,1987年调整为应用数学系,2003年与应用物理系、化学工程系合并成立理学院,2019年正式成立数学与统计学院。现有数学与应用数学、信息与计算科学、统计学3个本科专业,6 个二级学科硕士点,数学一级学科博士点和数学博士后流动站。拥有2个省部级重点实验室,2个国际联合研究中心,2个国际联合实验室。

The school focuses on the frontier scientific issues in mathematics, statistics and their applications, and carries out high-level scientific research and high-level personnel training. Its predecessor was the Department of Mathematical Mechanics founded in 1957. In 1987, it was changed into the Department of Applied Mathematics. In 2003, it was merged with the Department of Applied Physics and the Department of Chemical Engineering to form the College of Science. There are 3 undergraduate programs in mathematics and applied mathematics, information and computing science, statistics, 6 master's programs in second-level disciplines, doctoral programs in first-level disciplines of mathematics and post-doctoral research stations in mathematics. It has 2 provincial and ministerial-level key laboratories, 2 international joint research centers and 2 international joint laboratories.research stations in mathematics.
附件 Attachment:
23. 2025学年数学与统计学院硕士申请导师信息表 Supervisor List for 2025 Master Application School of Mathematics and Statistic.pdf
重要提示 Notice:
1. 附件为数学与统计学院2025年专业信息表与可接收硕士的导师信息表。
The attachments are the Major List and the Spervisor List that can accept the Master students of the School of Mathematics and Statistics in 2025 Academic Year.
2. 请根据此表中导师的教师主页信息以及研究方向选择并联系与你研究方向一致或相似的导师,请不要群发邮件。
Please contact the supervisor according to the their researsh direction and Teacher Website Page information.
Do not send the MASS EMAIL.
The Major Introduction for the School of Mathematics and Statistics
一、专业名称 Major:计算数学 Computational mathematics
1、 研究方向 Research Direction:
智能计算与并行算法 Intelligent computing and parallel algorithms
计算流体力学 Computational Fluid Dynamics
数值代数与优化 Numerical algebra and optimization
2. 专业介绍 Major Introduction:
The major of computational mathematics is a combination of mathematics, physics, computer science, operations research and control science. The program of Computational Mathematics of NPU started to cultivate masters in the 1996, and was granted the right to confer doctoral degrees in 2011. In 2013, a post-doctoral research station was established. Adhering to the principle of "problem-oriented and application-driven", and relying on the our university’s national defense features represented by “Aeronautics, Astronautics and Marine Science”, we have formed a series of distinctive research directions. The major directions are Finite Element methods and Applications, Fast Algorithm for Non-local Problems, Information and Coding Theory, Graphics and Image Processing, Computer Aided Geometric Design and Graphics, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Numerical Algebra and Optimization, Intelligent Computing and Parallel Algorithms, etc..
4. 专业核心课程名称 Core Courses:
算法与优化 Algorithms and Optimizations
随机动力系统概论 An Introduction to Stochastic Dynamical Systems
高等数理统计 Advanced Statistics
偏微分方程的有限差分法 Finite Difference Method for Solving Partial Differential Equations
二、专业名称 Major:应用数学 Applied Mathematics
1、 研究方向 Research Direction:
科学与工程问题中的数学模型与分析 Mathematical Modelling and Analysis in Science and Engineering
离散数学及其优化 Discrete Mathematics and Optimization
2. 专业介绍 Major Introduction:
School of Mathematics and Statistics at Northwestern Polytechnical University was founded in 1957. This is a research-oriented school with master programs, doctoral programs, and a post-doctoral research station in mathematics. In nearly 60 years of development and accumulation, the school has built a discipline system with strong overall scientific research strength and a complete teaching and scientific research echelon, and formed a discipline characteristic of "scientific problem-oriented and application problem-driven".
Master of Applied Mathematics focuses on modeling and application research of large-scale scientific and engineering computing, nonlinear stochastic dynamics, partial differential equations, graph theory/game theory, information theory, image processing, etc. At present, the master of Applied Mathematics program has more than 50 graduate supervisors with a strong faculty, which can provide abundant research directions. We sincerely welcome outstanding students from all over the world to pursue master's degree in applied Mathematics at Northwestern Polytechnical University
4. 专业核心课程名称 Core Courses:
广义函数与Sobolev空间 Generalized functions and Sobolev spaces
算法与优化 Algorithms and Optimizations
非线性动力系统导论 An Introduction Nonlinear Dynamical Systems
随机动力系统导论 An Introduction to Stochastic Dynamical Systems
测度论基础 Measure theory
三、专业名称 Major:运筹学与控制论 Operational Research and Cybernetics
1、 研究方向 Research Direction:
图论及其应用 Graph Theory and It Application
2. 专业介绍 Major Introduction:
Operations Research and Control Theory is an important foundation of modern science and engineering research, and has important theoretical significance and application value for the development of science and technology. The aim of this major is to cultivate the students to master solid theoretical and systematic expertise of the subject, and to be able to use the knowledge of this discipline to solve related practical problems. Graduate students can engage in teaching, scientific research, management and other work in scientific research institution, IT industry, government agencies and other enterprises and institutions.
This major of Operations Research and Control Theory at Northwestern Polytechnical University enrolls master's students in four research directions, namely, graph theory and its application, game theory and artificial intelligence, mathematical theory and method of group intelligence, mathematical modeling and algorithm of unmanned systems, and enrolls doctoral students in the directions of graph theory and group intelligence, game theory and artificial intelligence. The corresponding team consists of supervisors with excellent academic structure and high-level ability of cultivation, including 12 master's supervisors, 7 doctoral supervisors (six are full professors). Moreover, the team has presided over more than 30 national funds, 23 provincial and ministerial funds, and published more than 400 high-quality SCI papers.
4. 专业核心课程名称 Core Courses:
算法与优化 Algorithms and Optimizations
博弈论基础 Game Theory
偏微分方程的有限元方法 Finite Element Methods for Solving Partial Differential Equations
博弈论与信息经济学 Games Theory and Information Economics