Notice of Course Selection(Exchange Students)

发布日期:2018-03-01 来源: 作者:系统管理员 浏览:


Notice of Course Selection(Exchange Students)


Dear international students:

The Manual Course Selection for spring semester during 2017-2018 academic year is beginning. The exchange students have 2 days to choose the courses(March 1 - March 2). The relevant matters are hereby described as follows in order to ensure that the students can successfully complete the course selection application:

1. Application date: March 1, 2018—March 2, 2018

2. Application mode: online application

3. Operation method: log into the academic administration portal system using the personal account and password - My study - manual course selection application.

For student who logs in for the first time, you should activate the account at first.

4. Approval principles: The application will be approved according to the sequential order and follow the FIRST COME - FIRST SERVE principle.

5. Application scope: The Courses which have class capacity (class capacity isn’t full)

International Student Office


上一篇:How to select courses online



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