
发布日期:2023-12-28 来源: 作者:系统管理员 浏览:


The construction of an international community cannot be separated from the strength of student organizations. International student organizations have participated in holding various cultural and sports activities, creating an innovative international community atmosphere, building a bridge for Chinese and foreign students to integrate and exchange, and promoting enrollment policies. In order to recognize the contributions of student organizations, International College awarded team honor awards to 5 student organizations.

国际学生学生会 International Students Union


This is the organization formed by international students themselves, consisting of the Culture and Sports Department, Living Department, Publicity Department, and Volunteer Service Department. Whether it's the cultural festival or the sports festival, their presence is appreciated; during late-night medical assistance or charitable activities, they are there as well. They dedicate their efforts to the development of the international students community, providing a warm home for every international students.

国际创新社团International Innovation Club

在国际创新中心,有这样一个社团,International Innovation Club。社团致力于培养中外学生的创新实践能力,开设AI实训课程,共同探索未知的领域。通过多元化的课程与活动,他们促进了学生之间的友谊,为校园注入了国际化元素。

International Innovation club is dedicated to cultivating the innovative practical capabilities of both Chinese and international students. They offer AI training courses and collectively explore uncharted fields. Through diverse courses and activities, they foster friendships among students and infuse the campus with an international flavor.

国际学生联合会 International Students Association


Many students from different countries and areas, study in different majors gather together in International Students Association. Through unique activities and projects, they have built a bridge connecting the China and the other countries, allowing students to broaden their horizons and grow together through cultural exchange.

最佳学业辅导团队 Best Academy Tutoring Team


On the academic journey, let’s extend our highest respect to the hardworking "Best Academic Tutoring Team." They have selflessly provided academic guidance to fellow students, assisting each student in making greater progress. Their patience and professionalism serve as a solid support on the academic path, creating a positive and uplifting learning atmosphere throughout the campus.

最佳招生大使团队 Best Admissions Ambassador Team


The "Best Admissions Ambassador Team" award, recognizing those students who inject fresh vitality into our university. With meticulous care and professional knowledge, they have opened the doors of NPU for new students. They serve as a shining emblem for the university, painting a hopeful future for young minds worldwide.




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