Q1 : 2023年招生报名会因为疫情推迟进行吗?
Will the 2023 admission programs be postponed because of COVID-19?
A: 不会。2023年所有的项目都在照常推进。
No, all the 2023 admission programs are currently open and proceeding normally.
Q2 :我想申请本科/硕士/博士,可以春季入学么?
I want to apply for undergraduate/postgraduate program,does NPU have the spring semester intake?
There is no spring semester intake for degree students, only fall semester intake for international students. Non-degree programs can apply for spring semester admission.
Q3 :如果因为疫情9月无法按时到校报到怎么办?
What if I cannot register on time because of COVID-19?
A: 我校会根据相关政策实时调整报到方式,请关注我们后续通知。
NPU will announce the registration method according to the relevant policies. Please follow up the further notice on any of our official platforms.
Q4 :学校为国际学生开放申请的专业有哪些,从哪里可以查到?
Where I can find the offered programs for international students?
You can visit NPU official website and check the program list from the guide brochures for different levels. Official website http://studyat.nwpu.edu.cn/BROCHURE.htm
Q5 :哪些国家需要提供无犯罪证明呢?无犯罪证明有什么要求呢?
Students from which countries are supposed to provide the non-criminal record? And what is the requirement of it?
The requirement may change because of the real-time policies. If the non-criminal record could not be provided temporarily due to any special circumstances, please submit a "Non Criminal Commitment". Applicants should provide the formal non-criminal record as soon as possible. Non-criminal record should be in Chinese or in English, notarized by the local authority and valid for at least 6 months. Translation will be required if the document is written in other languages.
Q6 :是否需要提交邮寄纸质版的申请材料?
Do I need to post my application documents to the university?
There is no need to post any hard copies to NPU, all the applications should be processed online. Applicants only need to fill in the online application and upload the required documents in NPU system (http://admission.nwpu.edu.cn/en/index). NPU only accepts applications submitted via the online application portal. online Paper documents application will not be processed.
Q7 :面试如何开展?
What is the procedure of interview?
Interview will be conducted online or on-site. The location for on-site interview will be at Youyi campus. For online applicants, the interview will be held on Skype/ZOOM/Tencent Meeting. After the school review, admission office/academic schools will announce the interview details through email.
Q8 :我目前还在学校学习并且会在2023年6月左右毕业。我可以使用预毕业证明来申请吗?
I'm still studying and will graduate around June 2023. Can I apply for NPU by using the hope certificate?
Yes. If you haven't graduated from the previous high school/university/college, you can provide the hope certificate (pre-graduation certificate) officially issued by your current high school/university/college. The pre-graduation certificate must contain the certain date of graduation.
Q9 :我之前的课程学习是英文授课,我有学校开具的英语水平证明,可以用它代替雅思,托福等英语水平证明么?
My previous study was taught in English and I have the English certificate issued by my previous university/school. Can I use it to replace the language proficiency?
A: 不可以。我校不接受学校开具的英语水平证明,学生必须提供有效的符合入学要求的雅思,托福,PTE学术考试,多邻国英语测试,剑桥国际A LEVEL英语, SAT或者剑桥英语五级证书。
No, we do not accept any English certificate issued by university/school. Applicants must to provide one of the results which includes IELTS, TOFEL, PTE, Duolingo English Test, A-LEVEL (English subject), SAT or Cambridge Main Suite Examinations. We strongly recommend Duolingo test,which is affordable and time saving.
For more information regarding Duolingo test, please refer to https://www.duolingo.com/
Q10 :怎么确定我的申请费凭据是提交成功了?
How can I know that my application fee receipt has been submitted.
If the application fee paid successfully, there will be page prompt. And NPU will verify your payment within 3 working days, then you can click 'submit' application.
Q11 :怎么支付预注册费?预注册费会返还吗?在哪里查询学校账户信息?
How to pay the initial fee? Will the initial fee be refunded? Where I can find the information of NPU bank account ?
A:请登录NPU申请系统,点击“Deposit Payment”,可选择在线支付(银联/VISA)或者凭据支付,凭据支付需去当地银行办理并上传转账凭证,学校账户信息请查看https://npuinternationalcollege.nwpu.edu.cn/info/1141/2928.htm。预注册费支付成功后,会在你到校后3个月内返还。
Login to the NPU application system, click ‘Deposit Payment’, there will be two options:one is online payment (support Union-pay or VISA credit card) the other one is‘wire transfer’. Applicants need to keep the transfer receipt and upload it to the application system. To find the information of NPU bank account, please check it on our brochure https://studyat.nwpu.edu.cn/info/1089/2124.htm.the initial fee paid successfully, it will be refunded around three months after your successful registration at NPU.
Q12 : 预注册费的收据在哪提交?
Where to submit the initial fee receipt?
Please choose the ‘Bank transfer’ option to submit your initial fee payment.
Q13 : 为什么要缴纳预注册费?
What is the purpose of the initial fee?
In order to guarantee the enrollment rate, we will require the initial fee for all the degree program candidates. The initial fee will be fully refunded around three months after your successful registration at NPU.
Q14 :请问邮寄录取通知书时用的是哪家快递?
Which delivery will be used to mail the admission documents?
We use EMS for postage within China, and use DHL/EMS for overseas mail.
Q15 :我们国家官方语言就是英语,为什么还需要提交语言成绩?如何界定母语为英语的国家?
The official language of our country is English. Why do i need to provide the English proficiency? How to define the native English speaking country?
Applicants (native English speakers) from the following countries are exempted from the English proficiency certificate:
Antigua and Barbuda, Australia, Bahamas, Ireland, Barbados, Belize City, Canada, Dominica, Grenada, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines , Guyana, Jamaica, New Zealand, Saint Kitts and Nepal Vis, Trinidad and Tobago, the United Kingdom and the United States. To know more details https://studyat.nwpu.edu.cn/info/1089/2124.htm.
Q16 :申请截止日期临近,我还无法提供要求的全部申请材料,我可以晚一点提交吗?
Deadline is coming soon,I haven't provide all the required documents, is it possible to submit later?
A: 所有申请要求提供的文件均需在申请截止日期前提交,否则申请将不被处理。请提前准备申请所需的文件。
All required documents need to be uploaded to the online application system before the deadline, otherwise your application will not be processed. Please prepared documents in advance.
Q17 :申请费是必须要缴纳的吗?
Can Application fee be waived?
The application fee of 600 yuan must be paid, but we will organize live streams and webinars. The application fee may be able to be deducted or refunded by participating our activities.
Q18 :被录取以后,需要预定宿舍吗?可以住宿校外吗?
After getting admitted, do I need to reserve the dormitory? Can I live off campus?
There is no need to make the dormitory reservation. NPU will uniformly allocate the dormitory for all freshmen after registration. Off-campus accommodation is generally not allowed without special circumstances for bachelors, but masters and PhD students can live off campus after request being approved.
Q19 :到了中国工作实习机会有哪些?
What are the work internship opportunities in China?
A: 在中国有很多实习机会,我们在校园里也有一些助教职位,但学生不允许获得全职工作,因为学生需要以学习为重,并且你在这里持有学习签证而不是工作签证。
We have many internship opportunities here in China that you can seek, also we have some TA positions here on campus, but students are not allowed to get a full-time job, since study is priority and also you are here with a study visa not a working visa.
Q20 :英语语言要求?
What are the requirements for the English language requirement?


For bachelor:

For master/PhD:

Q21 : “中亚五国”留学生奖学金有多少个名额,该奖学金包括哪些国家?
How many seats are there for the five-Asian scholarships and which countries are included in this scholarship?
The Five-Asian scholarship cover students from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan. The scholarship seats allocated to NPU are however decided by the scholarship council.
Q22 : 我可以从其他类型的签证更改为学生签证吗?
Can I change from other types of visa to student-visa?
This situation of visa transfer is usually decided by the current polices at the Bureau of Exit and Entry in Xi’an, but NPU does its best to facilitate the process of transfer whenever applicable.
Q23 : 我目前正在另一所大学学习,我可以转学继续在NPU学习吗?
I am currently studying in another university,can I transfer to continue my studies at NPU?
NPU has partner universities that allow its students for various exchange programs. Aside these programs, students cannot make transfers on their own.
Q24 : NPU有博士后和教学职位吗?
Are there post-doctoral and teaching positions available at NPU?
Yes, you can contact a host professor that accepts to admit you for post-doctoral studies, or directly apply through the various positions published periodically on the official NPU website.
Q25 : 在NPU学习有年龄限制吗?
Are there any age limits for study at NPU?
A:是有限制的。本科学位申请者在注册时(2023 年 9 月)应在30 岁及以下。对于研究生学习,35岁以下的申请人可以申请硕士学位课程,而40岁及以下的申请人可以申请博士学位课程。
Yes, undergraduate degree applicants should be 30 years or below as at the time of registration (September, 2023). For postgraduate studies, applicants below 35 years can apply for masters degree programs while applicants 40 years and below can apply to PhD programs.
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