
发布日期:2018-06-27 来源:西北工业大学国际教育学院 作者:系统管理员 浏览:



Sanqin Scholarship Program for Excellent International Students in 2017



International degree students who are studying in NPU can participate in this scholarship application, but international students who have participated in other scholarships and any short-term students cannot participate in the scholarship.

二、评选标准Selection criteria

1. 对华态度友好,在华表现优秀。

2. 遵纪守法,身心健康,全面发展。

3. 学习成绩优异,具备较强的学习和研究能力。

4. 除以上基本条件外,符合如下条件者,可优先推荐:

1). 科研能力突出,学术成果丰硕;

2). 积极参加学校或社会的实践活动,在中华优秀传统文化传播或促进中外人文交流方面起到突出作用,或在公益事业中有突出贡献;

3). 已有事迹报道或获得重大荣誉者。

1. Being friendly to China and performing excellently in China.

2. Obeying the law, being physically and mentally healthy, and developing in an all-round way.

3. Being academically excellent and having strong learning and research ability.

4. In addition to the above basic conditions, the school will give priority to those who meet the following two conditions:

1). The scientific research ability is outstanding and the academic achievements are plentiful.

2). Actively participating in the practice of the school or society; playing a prominent role in the promotion of cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries; have outstanding contributions in public welfare.

3). Excellent performance reported by the media, or received great honors.

三、申请程序Application Procedures

1. 个人申请(627-72日)

2. 面试答辩和学校评审(74-5日)

3. 校内公示(76-8日)

4. 上报教育厅(预计2018年年底发放奖学金)

1. Self- application (June 27July 2)

2. School Review (July 4-5)

3. Public Announcement (July 6-8)

4. Report to Education Department

(It is expected to award scholarships by the end of 2018)

四、申报材料Application materials

1. 个人申请表( 附件Appendix:个人申请表 Application Form.docx


2. 推荐信:






5. 学费、住宿费缴费单

6. 各类国家级、省市级比赛的获奖证明专利证明

7. 担任学生干部社团职务的证明;

8. 其他有突出表现的证明材料。

1. Application Form 附件Appendix:个人申请表 Application Form.docx.

Please fill in all the contents of the first page of the application form. Second page: Basic information of applicants, institutions, student classification, majors, permanent communication address and contact information.

Third page: Comments from the tutor or head teacher comments from the faculty review.

2. Recommendation letter:

Bachelor students: Under 25 years old. A recommendation letter issued from your school.

Master students: Under 30 years old, with a bachelor degree. Two recommendation letters from professors or associate professors.

Ph.D. students: Under 35 years old, with a master degree. Two recommendation letters from professors or associate professors.

3. (1) Original transcripts.

 (2) Proof of no failed exams issued from your school.

4. Article retrieval certificate or materials verifying your publication.

5. All tuition and accommodation payment receipts need to be provided

6. Certificates or awards of various national- and municipal- level competitions.

7. Certificates of being student cadre or the member of the student organization.

8. Other evidential materials for your outstanding performance.

五、申请办法Application method



Foreign students who meet the requirements of the application shall send the completed application materials to International Student OfficeYizi Building, 715 roomof Youyi campus before July 2nd, 2018.

* Late applications will no longer be accepted.

六、联系方式Contact information

友谊校区留学生办公室   联系电话:88495735

Youyi campus: International Student Office (YIzi Building, 715 room),   Tel: 88495735




学院办公室+86-(29) 88492984

招生办公室: +86-(29) 88494381

留学生管理办公室: +86-(29) 88495735

教学管理办公室: +86-(29) 88492721

汉语中心: +86-(29) 88460228

传真(Fax): +86 – 29- 88491544 电子邮箱: icoffice@nwpu.edu.cn

地址: 中国 陕西 西安市碑林区友谊西路127号 西北工业大学国际教育学院
