
发布日期:2023-12-28 来源: 作者:系统管理员 浏览:


In order to encourage international students to stick to their ideals and beliefs, have the courage to innovate and create, cultivate their noble character, and continue to promote the in-depth development of international students, the International School held the 2023 Individual Honor Star Award Ceremony at the 2023 "Cultural Bridge" New Year Gala.

交流之星 Cultural Exchange Star

“交流之星”旨在表彰架起中外友谊桥梁,促进跨文化交流,联通彼此心灵的使者。荣获“交流之星”称号的是2022级本科生CAPICENIO JASHER DAVE LLANILLO卢骏毓和2022级硕士研究生MUHAMMADASADRIAZ赛天。

The "Cultural Exchange Star" aims to commend individuals who serve as bridges between China and foreign countries, fostering cross-cultural communication and serving as messengers connecting hearts. The recipients of the "Star of Communication" title are LCAPICENIO JASHER DAVE LLANILLO, an undergraduate student from the batch of 2022, and MUHAMMADASADRIAZ a postgraduate student from the batch of 2022.


CAPICENIO JASHER DAVE LLANILLO, as the Cultural and Sports Department head of the International Student Union, has assisted in organizing and planning large-scale cultural and sports activities involving Chinese and foreign students. With a combination of leadership and personal talent, Dave has significantly promoted mutual cultural integration between Chinese and foreign students.


MUHAMMADASADRIAZ, an outstanding postgraduate student from the batch of 2022, has wholeheartedly devoted himself to academic pursuits while serving as an "Outstanding Student Ambassador." Actively participating in activities related to the "Belt and Road" initiative, MUHAMMADASADRIAZ has worked to enhance communication and cooperation between Chinese and foreign cultures.

学术之星 Academic star

“学术之星”凭借扎实的知识储备和不懈的追求,锻造出勤奋好学的品质,成为学术道路上的引领者。荣获“学术之星”称号的是2020级博士生Abdulwasea Alkhazzan卡赞和2022级硕士生Qadeer Raza赛迪。

The "Academic Star," with a solid knowledge foundation and relentless pursuit, forges qualities of diligence and eagerness to learn, becoming a leader on the academic path. The recipients of the "Academic Star" title are Abdulwasea Alkhazzan, a Ph.D student from the batch of 2020, and Qadeer Raza, a postgraduate student from the batch of 2022.


Abdulwasea Alkhazzan, a recipient of the "Wu Yajun" scholarship, has demonstrated outstanding academic achievements, publishing six high-quality articles within a year. Simultaneously, he generously shares his learning and research experiences in the "Academic Navigation" lectures and "Academic Forerunner" sessions.


Qadeer Raza, also a recipient of the "Wu Yajun" scholarship, has achieved remarkable success in research, publishing a total of 17 journal articles in 2023. In the "Academic Navigation" lectures and "Academic Forerunner" sessions, he shares excellent papers and imparts valuable experiences in learning and research.

科创之星 Innovation Star

“科创之星”在科技创新的道路上不断勇攀高峰,以无限的创意和不屈不挠的毅力,突破科研领域的种种难题。荣获“科创之星”称号的是2022级硕士研究生Massood Sharify瑞福和2021级本科生CHOO SIN WAI曹善韡。

The "Innovation Star" continuously scaling new heights on the path of technological innovation, breaks through various challenges in the research field with limitless creativity and unwavering perseverance. The recipients of the "Innovation Star" title are Massood Sharify, a master student from the batch of 2022, and CHOO SIN WAI, an undergraduate student from the batch of 2021.


Massood Sharify, as the president of the IIC (International Innovation Club) , provides fellow students with AI learning and technology innovation courses, actively contributing to the establishment of an internationalized innovation community at our university.


CHOO SIN WAI, focusing on innovation and entrepreneurship projects, has achieved notable success. He received a national third prize in the Integrated Circuit Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition for College Students and a provincial third prize in the Power Supply Track of the National College Student Electronic Design Competition.

志愿之星 Volunteer star

“志愿之星”以热情和关爱之心,默默奉献,播撒着爱的种子。他们是社会的温暖使者,为校园增添了一份深厚的人文关怀。荣获“志愿之星”称号的是2022级硕士生Ali Khalilli阿里和2021级本科生Marsel杨应祥。

The "Volunteer Star," with a heart full of enthusiasm and compassion, silently dedicates themselves, sowing the seeds of love. They are the warm messengers of society, adding a profound sense of human care to the campus. The recipients of the "Volunteer Star" title are Ali Khalilli, a master student from the batch of 2022, and Marsel, an undergraduate student from the batch of 2021.


Ali Khalilli, a master student from the batch of 2022,as the Head of the Living Department at the International Student Union, diligently contributes to the development of our university's international community, selflessly assisting fellow students who are sick or facing difficulties.


Marsel, during the two years of online teaching, served as an academic volunteer. Throughout his time in China, he repeatedly volunteered for large conferences and events, accumulating over 50 hours of volunteer service.

体育之星Sports Star

“体育之星”在汗水与拼搏的舞台上,展现团队合作精神,展现竞技体育的拼搏精神,激励着我们追逐梦想。荣获“体育之星”称号的是2022级本科生Mahmoud Abbas和Hean Yu Yang Keith贤宇阳。

The "Sports Star" struggle on the field, demonstrates the spirit of teamwork and the competitive essence of athletic sports, inspiring us to chase our dreams. The recipients of the "Sports Star" title are Mahmoud Abbas and Hean Yu Yang Keith, undergraduate students from the batch of 2022.

Mahmoud Abbas,擅长游泳与网球,并在校级运动会中发扬奋斗不息,拼搏向上的精神,为团队和学院赢得荣誉。

Mahmoud Abbas excels in swimming and tennis, showcasing the spirit of continuous struggle and upward perseverance in intercollegiate sports competitions. He contributes to the team and brings honor to the college through his relentless efforts.


Hean Yu Yang Keith is a member of the second Badminton Team at Northwestern Polytechnical University. He manages to allocate his time effectively between academics and sports training, achieving comprehensive development in both areas.

文艺之星 Talents Star

“文艺之星”以艺术的眼光和灵感的火花,点亮了校园的文化之夜。无论是笔下的诗行还是舞台上的表演,都展现了他们对艺术的独特理解和深沉情感。荣获“文艺之星”称号的是2022级本科生Sarah karrakchou悦木和2021级本科生Turzina Iuliia。

The "Talents Star" with an artistic vision and sparks of inspiration, illuminates the nights on campus. Whether through poetic lines or performances on stage, they showcase their unique understanding of art and deep emotions. The recipients of the "Talents Star" title are Sarah karrakchou, an undergraduate student from the batch of 2022, and Turzina Iuliia, an undergraduate student from the batch of 2021.


Sarah karrakchou, with a passion for singing on the stage, has participated in various singing competitions multiple times, captivating the audience with her lovely voice.

Turzina Iuliia,能歌善舞,在观众的鼓励下突破自我,享受灯光与舞台,积极参加大型文艺演出。

Turzina Iuliia, talented in both singing and dancing, breakthrough self-limitations under the encouragement of the audience. She enjoys the lights and stage, actively participating in large-scale artistic performances.

学业辅导之星 Academy Tutoring Star

“学业辅导之星”不仅在自己的学习方面勇攀高峰,同样也愿意向朝夕相处的同学们伸出援手,共同进步,在汲取知识的同时也收获了友情。他们的名字是Qadeer Raza赛迪和Hafiz Muhammad Fayzan Shakir沙克功。

The "Academy Tutoring Star" not only excels in their own academic pursuits but also help fellow students, fostering collective progress and cultivating friendships while acquiring knowledge. The recipients of the "Academy Tutoring Star" title are Qadeer Raza and Hafiz Muhammad Fayzan Shakir.


Qadeer Raza, driven by a love for learning, generously shares his knowledge and actively assists fellow students, collectively striving for improvement.


Hafiz Muhammad Fayzan Shakir, academically excellent and dedicated, possesses an open and inclusive mindset. He patiently guides his peers, contributing to the establishment of an academic support platform.

招生之星 Admission Ambassador Star

“招生之星”用无限的热情和不懈的努力,为世界各地的学子搭建通往学校的桥梁,让更多天赋与梦想相遇。他们以无限的耐心和真诚,为每个新生提供着温暖的指引,为学校带来了勃勃生机和活力。荣获“招生之星”称号的是2021级硕士研究生FARAZ HAIDER唐狮和2020级本科生Thapa Maheshwor Jung魏无羡。

The "Admission Ambassador Star" with boundless enthusiasm and unwavering efforts, builds bridges for students from around the world to access education, allowing more talents and dreams to converge. With infinite patience and sincerity, they provide warm guidance to each new student, bringing vitality and vigor to the school. The recipients of the "Admissions Star" title are Faraz Haider 唐狮, a master student from the batch of 2021, and Thapa Maheshwor Jung魏无羡, an undergraduate student from the batch of 2020.


Faraz Haider is mature and composed, demonstrating a high passion for his field of study. During the admissions process, he seamlessly integrates his understanding of his major into promotional activities, showcasing strong initiative and pro-activity.


Thapa Maheshwor Jung is polite and humble. In his three years serving as a "Student Ambassador," he has played a pivotal role in helping Nepalese students understand and apply to Northwestern Polytechnical University. He has become a bridge for Nepalese students seeking to study in China.

宣传推广之星 Publicity and Promotion Star

有那么一群特殊的工大人,他们从远方来,也将“公诚勇毅”的精神带到世界各地,吸引着一位又一位青年学子来到西北工业大学追逐梦想,超越自我。他们就是荣获“宣传之星”称号的2022级本科生Manar Ben Riala和Kasimkhodjaeva Karimakhon。

There is a special group of NPU students who come from distant places but carry the spirit of "Loyalty,Integrity,Courage and Perseverance" to various corners of the world. They attract young minds one after another to come to NPU, chasing their dreams and surpassing themselves. The recipients of the "Publicity and Promotion Star" title, including Manar Ben Riala 马阳and Kasimkhodjaeva Karimakhon程笑笑, undergraduate students from the batch of 2022,

马阳,将摩洛哥人的热情带到古都西安,将她所热爱的西工大真诚推荐给身边人, 她与学校彼此为傲。

Manar Ben Riala brings the warmth of the Moroccan people to the ancient city of Xi'an. She passionately recommends NPU, the institution she loves, to those around her. Both she and the university take pride in each other.


Kasimkhodjaeva Karimakhon excels in video and photo shooting, providing strong support for the operation of our university's social media platforms. She is an outstanding contributor to the university's new media publicity efforts at NPU.




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