Health Alert: Prevention of haemorrhagic fever

发布日期:2017-11-30 来源:西北工业大学国际教育学院 作者:系统管理员 浏览:

November/December is the peak season of the spread of haemorrhagic fever. Getting in contact with the transmitted virus may cause Respiratory tract or digestive tract diseases.

The main symptoms are:fever, bleeding and renal function damage. During the peak season, please take some personal precautions to avoid getting in contact with the virus.

Below are some Precautions:

• do not go to places that wild mouse may live

• do not sit on the grass

• no camping

• do not eat in the restaurant with unhygienic environment.

If you have any fever symptoms above, please go to the regular hospital immediately.


International Students’ Office

Nov. 29, 2017




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